It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Very Local News (2009-05-29)

  • The CIA is recruiting out of work bankers and financial annalists. it is a pay cut, but it is a steady job hunting down the financial footprints of drug dealers and terrorists.
  • "This is the first generation in China to have the luxury of selfishness." Buick and Volkswagen are number one sellers in China. No one has siblings or aunts or uncles or cousins. It is a nation of only children. What else do they have besides themselves?
  • Places like Africa are bypassing computers. People have a mobile phone and use it for banking and all communications. There are only 10000 land line s in Congo (which is a country by the way). The price of coper may drop as countries bypass land line all together. SMS is increasing literacy rates around the world (text short hand anyway.)
  • "Why do we have such an expensive navy if we never use it?" Because, that way, we never have to use it. our navy is so go, no one else even tries to compete. They have navies. Not like ours. It can't even take out a bunch of chicken-shit pirate-wanna-bes.
  • On the BBC, there is a guy I like to listen to named Mayo. Mayo does insiteful interviews and yet sounds like a human being while doing them. So he sounds smooth. Mayo is on vacation at the moment. A guy named Bacon is standing in for him who sounds, well, crunchy and loud. No wonder my cholesterol is high.

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