It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Some Chrysler dealers are doing financing through GMAC. That may sound messed up, but I read somewhere that GMAC is making money on it's own. Sounds like a plan to me. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

Obama wants to close many of the foreign tax shelters  it is designed to rais money for universal health care. A bunch of money is held off shore. Not sure it will work. Of course, once something is enacted, it is never taken away agin without being replaced with something even more expensive.

Anheuser Bush (Budweiser) is cutting back on advertisement. They are moving to a 120 day pay cycle. They are making some ruthless decisions to cut costs. You know times are bad if beer companies are having trouble. Some say the advertisement are better than the beer. I have to agree. I've said Bud tastes like the business end of a horse's business.

Mac and cheese and Oreos are selling fine in these tough times.

The low carbon cartel still insists on billions of dollars for design and parts for low carbon and environmentally friendly vehicles. The cars on the shelf are not selling. Come on people. Can we afford to save ourselves from ourselves? I am already saved thank you. I do not need your god to tell me what to buy.

Several banks have been told to go looking for new investors. No one is going to invest in a bank that is asking to be invested in at the moment. I wouldn't I read the news for goodness sake. If they have to ask, you don't want to invest. This sort of thing should have been thought out a bit better. Any one willing to invest will be out for a hell of a return. All the banks asking at once causes the price to go up. Stupid stupid stupid.

Personally, Nat and I are broke. We have the money to get by right now, but not enough to excel and take vacatins. Nat would like an SUV. We got phones. Yadda-yadda. Things are tough all over. Deal with it.

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