It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Parking Garage Crowd

I've blogged that I walk around the parking garage during lunch sometimes. Well, it is getting crowded out there. It turns out that several people hang out in the garage during lunch. I've noticed a couple of people sitting in their cars and soaking, eating, talking on the phone and God knows what else. It mostly happens on the sixth floor. That is the highest and most empty floor below the roof. It gets toasty up on the roof. Normally, there is no one on the roof. I pace back and forth talking to Nat on the phone or grumbling about my problems to ... nobody. Lately, there has been a work crew up there painting the place. Someone fixed the light fixtures too. The place could use a coat of paint. Don't get me wrong. I just want a fortress of solitude where I can abandon the world and not be the guy who has to talk to people. That guy is high maintenance.

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