It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Lights vs Batman

I had a nightmare last night. Let me tell you what kind of night mares I have these days.

I'm in a hall way in a public building and I have to go to the bathroom. There are no labels anywhere that I can tell from a distance so I hang out waiting from someone to come by so I can tell which door they go in. I try my best to look impatient so it looks like I'm waiting for someone to come out of the bathroom.This is something I've learned to do as a legally blind person. Now I'm doing it in my dreams. The nightmare part comes when every one going in the two doors all look just androgynous enough that I can't be sure if it is a man or a woman. So, I'm standing there looking at people walking in and out of the bathrooms. I'm worried that I look like a pervert. Then the alarm went off. I really did have to pee.

Well, that's not the end of the story. We had a meeting in the office today, The usual stuff. I had used the men's room earlier the morning. Nothing to report there. Then, After the meeting there is a rush, so I give it twenty minutes or so. I walked in the men's room and realized something was dreadfully wrong. I was several steps in the room and things didn't look right. I slammed to a halt and said "AAAA!!!" in my head. Just as I was about to turn and dive back out the door, I realized something. They fixed the lights.

The  new thing was the fact that I could see everything clearly and brightly. The lights in the men's room have been at half mast since I've worked here. It was kind of a mood setting thing that wasn't so bad. Guys don't care how well they can see stuff in the bathroom. Just look at our aim. It was getting to the point people could see what they were doing thought. Something needed to be done.

I had just watched an episode of Batman the Animated Series last night where Scarecrow found people's worst fears and exploited them. One man feared death. Another man feared spiders. Batman feared his father saying he was a disgrace or a disappointment to the family. I pondered what my worse fear was. I couldn't really come up with anything at the time. Now, I know.

My Scarecrow illusion would be a mile long hall full of doors to lady's rooms with women walking in and out of doors. There is one men's room .. somewhere. I really got to go and I can't ask for directions, because I'm a guy.

Poor Nat caught the brunt of this fear of mine at Wal-Mart a couple of weeks ago. She pointed out which bathroom was the men's room while I was walking up to the door. I gave her a bunch of crap about it and I'm sorry. I didn't realize what and affect this had on me.

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