It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


One Song Days
No more one song days in a while. I can still listen to the song that gave me the emotional jump start, Breath. There is a song lyric that says feeling pain is better than feeling nothing at all. I do not believe that. Sometimes the world just all pulls tight. It is hard to remember there is more to it all. There is no limit to things that can or will happen.
I listen to the same song for a couple of days straight. I'm not the only person who does this. I've seen it in movies. It must be a sign of depression. Today is not one of those days. I am married to a wonderful woman. I have the most amazing doughtier. I have the best parents. I have great friends. I have a good job. It is a day where I like listening to old country. Songs about uncloudedly days. and finding God in the cupboard .
Today is a good day.