It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Feeling better OK less bad
I have a rule. I do not run to catch a bus. I have come across too many stories of people tripping and busting their teeth or an arm while running to catch a bus. I have to pay very close attention to cross the street so I try not to do any more than jog across an intersection.
This morning I walked my normal rout to the bus stop. I trudged through the mud and past intersections. By the time I got to the last street to cross.. I noticed the west bound side got the turn signal. This means the light is about to change in my favor. I found myself in the right position to cross the street just as the light turned green. You want to do this because the person in front has no momentum. They have less opportunity to run you over if they are not moving. As the light turned green and I started across the street I realized that i had jogged the last several steps to put myself in the right position. I've been sick and the thought of jogging, only yesterday, made me feel weak. I then remembered that I was sweating. I was hot and wet from walking and it didn't feel like I was going to die. Heck, it felt kind of good - like stretching a muscle after it has been sitting too long. After standing at the bus top and gulping some water, I notice that I hadn't even coughed yet.
Worry not, I coughed my head off later at work, only after taking my cough medicine.
So, what made the difference? I took antihistamine last night before going to bed. They usually knock me out. I slept like a baby. I don't remember waking up for coughing. I did wake up for the weather. Wind, rain, thunder all scare Elle. I said a prayer for our safety and enjoyed the sound of the rain in my antihistamine stooper.

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