It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Annoying Songs
What is with those old songs that have repeating sentences that drive me nuts? Were they popular in the day? Is it better stoned? I know at work wile listening to music there are several distracting songs that I've blocked.
I can see for miles and miles.
I'm getting closer to my home.
Hey Jude seems to be the only one that pulled it off. It works. I wonder if there was a trend of drug-out songs that probably worked well in concerts in the sixties that just do not translate well to the modern ADD world.

Feeling Better
I'm feeling better. I'm not coughing as much as normal. I feel more energetic. I won't blog how I can tell. I believe it is more than the eleven cups of coffee I had today. There was a poem on NPR about a town obsessed with coffee this morning. How appropriate.
Nat went to the doctor today because she is coughing. Elle seems to have weathered the storm so far.

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