It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Lunch Conversation
Coke Zero
We covered the different diet additives to diet soft drinks and their after tastes. Most diet soft drinks taste OK to me at the first moment. The after taste leaves me feeling like I just licked the inside of an oil pipeline. If I swig it and don't let it sit in my mouth very long, it tastes better. Well, not so much better as it won't make me retch. I need to cut them out anyway so perhaps I can use diet sodas to kill the desire for sodas in general.
Economic downfalls of the minimum wage
# Once you raise the minimum wage, you automatically (or so it seems) raise inflation.
# Some countries tie it to inflation. Thus, if inflation doesn't go up, neither does the minimum wage.
# Some countries have no minimum wage. They have a welfare system that keeps people at some kind of minimum.
The chick who died in a contest "Hold your wee for a Wii" and the fallout
# What the fuck were they thinking?
# A nurse called in to warn them, but they blew her off.
# Manslaughter or wrongful death? That is the question.

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