It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


I talk to myself. It seems to fulfill some need. I was listening to an MP3 earlier today of a live performance. The artist stopped between songs and gave an anecdote of getting busted while talking to himself. I've had similar experiences. Just this morning Nat yelled from the other room "You are talking to yourself again." I fucking know I'm talking to myself. I'm just trying to work something out. It is easier if I orate it. Sometimes I just want to yell at someone who isn't there for a while. Then I'll be all right. I had a similar feeling today at lunch. We were sitting around one of the lunch tables talking about game controllers. People mentioned that they wanted something that read your mind. Well, there are some devices out there that do just that. The info they get back is not so clear. I mentioned that the signal from the brain to your hand is actually beaten by the reaction of the hand. In other words, there is some mechanism where the had reacts before the brain tells it to. One of the other guys sitting at the table mentioned "entangled particles" and how that is about the only thing that can explain the mechanism. I instantly realized this guy had seen the exact same PBS show I saw. I hate that. It had the same feeling that being caught talking to your self.

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