It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


I forget to thank Natalie for the rides to and from work. She has to do all the driving. I should remember how stressful that is in Houston. For a city designed specifically for automobiles, Houston is a pain in the ass to drive through. There are places in Houston you can only get to in a vehicle. The planners saw no problem with that design. Nat has to put up with it every day.
Thanks sweetie.
I had to walk home yesterday through the weeds and passing cars. People speed like mad on 1093. I've walked in the street a couple of times and nearly had people wreck while trying to avoid me. It isn't like I'm walking down the middle of the road. I'm as far over as I can get. The weeds are taller than I am. There are holes in the ground and things to trip over all hidden. I need to find some herbicide and start spraying it along the road. Maybe I can salt the earth for good measure.

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