It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


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"The strongest push-back against Massachusetts' effort to institute open, non-proprietary document formats has come from the accessibility community, who claim that Open-Source desktop software lags behind Windows; and thus that a transition to Open Document will amount to discrimination against the blind and those with other disabilities. This is serious stuff. Peter Korn, who's an Accessibility Architect at Sun, has written a massive piece that provides a general introduction to the subject, a discussion of how Open Source is doing on the the accessibility front (things could be worse, but they could be a lot better), and finally, a detailed look at the (interesting) history and (uncertain) future of these issues in Massachusetts. Anyone in Open Source who thinks they can ignore accessibility issues is probably wrong. Getting any younger? Eyes as good as they used to be? This is everybody's issue."

I've just been complaining about the lack of accessibility in Linux. The SuSe install that I'm using right now has four entries under accessibility. Three entries are for keyboard modifications and one is for the frigging system bell. At least Ubuntu tried to make some things work. I was able to get Ubuntu to read to me, though I could not understand the words very well. There was a screen zoom function that I never did find once I installed it. If I could figure out how to get Apache and FTP to run under Ubuntu I would switch in a heart beat. I'm 100% sure it is doable. I just don't know how. I'm sure the accessibility stuff is doable in SuSe. Again, I just don't know how. In MS Windows it is "next ... next ... next" to get most of the accessibility stuff up and running. I don't have to worry about compatible C++ modules and compiler versions.

1 comment:

meahsmom said...

Thanks for the heads-up, i'm a complete cyber-idiot!! Congrats on marriage, It's been a wonderful experience for me (10 yrs and counting). I hope it is for you as well. I suppose one good turn deserves another, so I'll give you my best marriage tip . . . when you catch yourself opening your mouth to say something unkind or disrespectful, just say "I love you" instead, and then shut up until you calm down a little. It works wonders.