It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Big Brother (continued)

People think that if the government is going to "spy" on them that there is some great big machine named "WOPR" that is recording everything they do.
That is simply not the case. The government is made up of people just like you and me who have no interest in the mundane details of your life.
That said, I don't want people poking their nose in my business. It's more the principle of the thing, not the actual thing itself.
I know, I kinda went round and round on this response -- but so did you. :)

The above comment is from a dear friend of mine  Let's say, that he know what he is talking about. The "WOPR" comment comes from the movie War Games. Will the symbolism in that movie never end? If it were a big machine keeping watch over me, I don't think I would have a problem with so much information sitting around. The trouble is, it is people who get the information. I understand all too well the frailties and vulnerabilities of humans. Nobody has a problem with security cameras until it is their twelve year old daughter being watched by some forty three year old security guard who still lives in his parent's basement. That is when I want a little bit of control over the situation.

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