It was a pleasant walk in to work today. It had been a while since I have taken the bus. It was refreshing really. That is, until I nearly get run down by someone who insisted on running the light at the same time I was walking the cross walk. If I hadn't been looking around as I crossed as I normally do, I'm sure they would have hit me. I'm sure of this because they were busy passing other cars and dodging side traffic to even see me in the morning gloom. I'm very glad I don't carry any kind of firearm. I would have emptied it through their back window. The car was a small frame middle colored coop with one headlight (I don't remember which one) out. I couldn't see the driver. It was dark and I am legally blind. I hope God gets that fucker.
Elle's little boyfriend
Elly has this little boy she really likes named David. He is the same age. They met in day care. I heard a story that they had to be separated at nap time because they would cuttle. That is so cute. Anyway, He was one of the little kids terrorizing the cat last night. When he left Elle was devastated. She cried for an hour. I had to hold her and fight her squirming and screaming or she would stand at the door pulling on the door knob. There was a point where she pushed against my stomach with her legs trying to get away. I finally let her fall back a bit and caught her. My intent was to let her feel that falling sensation. It worked. ABout the third time she came back up and hugged me and held on. After that, she only switched shoulders to cry on. They were both wet. When she finally went to sleep, she slept all night. I left her this morning in childhood slumber. I was worried about nightmares. I think the hour of crying and the loss of her voice again completely wore her out.
Natalie and I joked to ourselves that "She is two now and wonders why her boyfriend can't stay the night. What is it going to be like when she is sixteen?"
I passed out on the floor in Elle's room. I was worn out. It was around midnight or so. I eventually stumbled into the bedroom. I only remember it taking me for ever to get into bed. I had to brush my teeth, take out my contacts, get ready for bed. All the time I was waiting for Elle to wake up and start crying. It didn't happen.
Weekend (sappy)
Elle's grandfather is taking her until Sunday. We had planned on having a garage sale tomorrow at the apartment complex, but it was canceled due to lack of participation. They want to try again in June. Whatever. I want to get together with some friends. I want to introduce Natalie to my friends. She and I have had many of the same friends for a long time. I've met some of her exclusive friends. I want her to know my life, loves and hates. I want to know hers.
1 comment:
Elle and David actually met while we were in the Interfaith program. Marissa (David's mom) became homeless at the same time that I did. Both of us became homeless because of those we trusted most...our families and the fathers of our children. David had already been going to that daycare and Marissa recommended it to me for Elle. David is only two weeks older than Elle. Marissa is one of my best-friends now. We have so much in common. I truly believe that we would not have been able to make it through that time (homeless moving from church to church) had we not had our friendship.
I had to go get Kelly from Elle's room. He had to be woken up from his deep sleep on the hard floor. It was a tiring day with four kids at our home. But it was well worth it. Kelly held a baby for the first (ever), but looked like he was a pro at it. He had to help my watch two babies, a seven month old and a two month old, while their mothers were out. By the time everyone left (and we took out the trash) we had two full bags of dirty diapers. :(
I am always driving Kelly to and from work, from now on. Just try and argue with me on that.
I had just taken off my promise ring to put on some hand lotion, when Elle runs over picks up the ring, and tells me "Mama on...Mama on." The whole time trying to get on my finger.
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