It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Good Sign

"We have declared a bitter war against democracy and all those who seek to enact it," said the speaker in the 35-minute message posted on two Islamist Web sites that have already carried dispatches thought to be from al-Zarqawi.

President Bush declared war on Terrorism. The trouble is, you can't declare ware on an idea.  You can only declare ware on people. That is, if you want to win, you can't declare ware on terrorists. How will you know if you have won, if any one in the world calls themselves a terrorists, your fight starts all over again. You can't win. Well, it is a good sign that the terrorists haven't learned this little fact either.

Guy gets audited by the IRS.
Guy calls his accountant and asks what to do. His accountant says "Dress down. If you look like a bum, they won't think you have any money and they won't go after you."
Guy calls his lawyer for advice. The lawyer says "Dress up. If you look like somebody, they will respect you."
Guy calls his priest for support. The priest says "Sometimes young brides come to me with a dilemma. Their father tells them to dress like a teamster on their honeymoon, their mother tells them to dress provocatively. I tell them it doesn't matter what you ware, because you are going to get fucked."

Messaging (SMS)
I've recently rediscovered SMS (Short Message Service). This is the thing where you type in a message on your phone using the cookie little letters over the keys. I'm sending little "Sup?" notes to friends and trying to figure out how to type faster. There are news services and all kinds of stuff opening up to use this service (including advertising damn-it). Even Google is getting in  on the act, though, I can't get to it yet. In Japan they had a small thumb keyboard that you used on your computer. Some folks can type faster on their phone than they can on the computer. It is no wonder some people find they have medical trouble from too much texting.

1 comment:

CyndyMW said...

The SMS messages, as a side note, cost about 5 cents each. Not much, but it adds up. I've gotten in the habit of not using it, which is why I don't ever reply when I get them. :)