It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


This is an account from Saturday afternoon. We have had a game planned since November.
We roll up the characters and, like always, Bryan takes all our equipment and we wake up captured in a wagon. I try to run just for something to do. I fail. We are being rail road-ed.
We are in a tower, held as prisoners.  The door was not locked. We make our way tot the roof. I punched a guy out cold. We have the debate every party has on rather to kill the guy or not. We end up killing him. We divvy up the weapons and what cloths he has. I end up with no cloths and a long sword.
The guy had a horn. We decided not to blow it.
We are on the third floor. We need to move down the ladder. I'm going first. That is what one good punch buys you. I'm going to die. The idea is to surprise them. We fail. The first person to fire is Ethan. He fires a bow. He missed,  but I actually take one of the guys down. That is another thing I like about first level, your entire existence rides on every round. Yes, we didn't die. It is surprising how much we worry about hiding the bodies.
We are finally on the ground floor where the extra crossbow bolts and some spare long swords are kept. So, we gear up for the pending adventure.
We find a kitchen and do what all adventurers do, we start making an omelet. Someone is coming in the door. It is another fight. It's funny. Alexis is a bard who uses a tuba. That is odd enough, but she is a gnome. The jokes are endlessly funny. Anyway. The battle is turning for the worse. Five more guys are coming. We are going to die. I tried to run. No one would listen. Well, we have breakfast with 10 dead bodies in the next room.
Mapping is always fun. We use a white board laid flat on the table. We use miniatures and draw lines all over the place. No one is a particularly good artist. The only tactic is to get people stopped in the doorway while they are chasing us around. Ethan just figured out that most of our party is ranged, except me of course.
Not that it is important to the reader, but this is a tuba, and this is a sousaphone.
We are stuck in a building. The building, holding true with all DnD buildings, is a box with a door. The bad guys are outside the door with a battering ram. They break down the door and we throw a bunch of flaming oil at them.  We are so dead. That is the only way out of the tomb we are stuck in. We have spent the last fifteen minutes reading five different sets of rules on fire damage and splatter effect. They made it through the door. This is the last battle. We are not going to make it. We just figured out that we leveled after the last battle. That gives us a few extra hit points. This is still going to be an early night. - Some one 3'3" is debating whether one not she can tumble over a 5' table tilted up on it's side. - I died. I'm ready to go eat.
We had a joke that we will go to Cheddar's. Sara) loves Cheddar's. She didn't come. That will teach her. (just kidding Sarah)
OK, I'm at negative six and stable. That means I'm helpless and the other guys are left to save me. I bet I'm still going to end up dead at some point. Hmmm, They pored an elixir of love down my gullet by mistake. This could be bad. I think we are all male except Alexis' character. Great. I have no Idea what the ramifications of that will be. Hey, I'm alive.
There is no way to win at DnD. It is much like life in that way. You live for another day. Hopefully, you learn something that will make the world swish by in slightly better greased grooves.

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