It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


From Obyonechun, some other revolutionary stuff that has caused changes in society. I didn't say I had a complete list.  Take a look at the comment he left on 2004-12-10 below.

Cell Phones Video compression Those things that tell you where you are (I can't believe I forgot the name) Satellite TV Low cost broadband Video on Demand Teleconferencing Airbags High yield crops Hydroponics All these things are world changing technologies. Throw in all the medical advances they have monthly and you can probably triple that list. I think we are just jaded about technology. Its happening so fast that new technologies are expected.

Well, he is right. He says cell phones. I say any instant communication. Phones were a logical progression of the Telegraph. The Telegraph beget the Wireless (radio, not network). Phones changed business to the point of absurdity. Think about mailing a letter instead of picking up the phone and calling the next person you work with in another country.
The automobile came about after steamboats and locomotives. However, the automobile caused a different change. It allowed people to live in the country and commute straight to work in the city in a timely manor. Trains were slow and only traveled between stations. Automobiles changed the way cities are designed. We have more highways than railroads it seems.
Let's take the airplane. Well, I don't have to talk about the airplane, because it is obvious how that changed the world. I bet I can hop on a plane a be anywhere in the world in a couple of days at most. That is if I use commercial flights. It would be even less time if I were able to charter one of those top secret supersonic corporate jets they don't want you to know about.
Medical advancements, well, you have one there. We live longer, we take more risks. We pay more in insurance and legal fees than at any time in human history. That has changed the way we live too.
There is a myth that a patent official said "Why do we need a patent office, everything that can be invented has already been invented." in the 1800s. I heard that statement when I was a kid. I am 35 and only just looked it up to disprove it.
What I'm looking for is one single point along the design path that will pivot the direction of advancement. I'm looking for the warp engine, the transporter, the replicator. There is absolutely no reason I couldn't sit in my underware and do my job from home with a network connection and a phone. No web cams please. It is simply the fact that people haven't been raised doing it this way that prevents telecommuting at my job.
Thanks for the comment. Please, keep them coming.

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