It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


It looks like Bush won. It cracks me up how the threats of lawsuits have not really started flying. As I'm typing this paragraph, the Democrats have not conceded. The rest of the world seems to be OK with whomever wins. I suppose they have to say that. They keep talking about past elections and how long is Kerry going to wait to take a hike.
There is something I noticed during the election. The U. S. is split right down the middle. California and the upper east coast were blue. The whole south, all the way through the high west coast was red. I am sick and tired of hearing about California and New York. The people in those two states think they are all of America. Puerto Rico may want to be the 51st state.  I wish I could give California and New York their own country to go to and be happy. Is there a way to throw a state out of the union?
The media is sitting there, looking at Kerry's front door waiting for an announcement The Democrats are saying "we want every vote counted." That sounds good I suppose. It really is going to come down to a few thousand votes again..
This s the first time I've voted. I'm among those four million or so votes Bush can count on to be ahead in the popular vote.

Are there advantages to baldness? I'm trying to figure out how baldness came to be in the genetic fabric of humans. I don't get it. I heard somewhere that Chimps have male pattern baldness (we are similar genetically). It happened in the chain long before humans came along. Does any one out there have theories? I'm thinking extra cooling of the head as one ages, but then why mostly male baldness? I figure it must be a sign of age so younger males will know when to challenge the elders.

I constantly listen to online radio. I like the BBC in case you couldn't tell from all the posts quoting it. I notice many shortcomings. They drop the connection. They can't play some things because of contractual obligations. They sound like crap when some one is on a mobile phone because digital signals don't re-digital over the radio very well. There are other things that make me nuts, but I have to say I like listening to British radio. I hope they don't charge me a license fee.

A psychiatrist was conducting a group therapy session with four young mothers and their small children. "You all have obsessions," he observed.
To the first mother, Mary, he said, "You are obsessed with eating. You've even named your daughter Candy.
He turned to the second Mom, Ann: "Your obsession is with money. Again, it manifests itself in your child's name, Penny.
He turns to the third Mom, Joyce: "Your obsession is alcohol. This too manifests itself in your child's name, Brandy."
At this point, the fourth mother, Kathy, gets up, takes her little boy by the hand and whispers. "Come on, Dick, we're leaving."

Career Advice
I sent this to a friend headed to college soon.
I don't have any straight forward advice. I would suggest you consider a career you enjoy and can make a living with. Don't aim for allot of money. Science people usually end up in a lab somewhere performing the same tests over and over and over for an eternity. Engineers are some of the most satisfied people I know. Doctors are some of the least satisfied.
Think about what you can do every day for the rest of your life and try to turn that into a career. The funny thing is, many people in my office are not doing exactly what their degree is designed for. We have several ex-school teachers. There are some English majors managing programmers.
I like messing with computers. I always knew I would get a job making computers do what they were supposed to do in the first place.
College is nothing like high school. You are actually responsible for your own actions, and given incredible freedom to make it work. That is good and bad. I failed the freedom test.
If you do make a decision now, don't worry if you find out it is not the final answer later. Why do you think adults keep asking kids what they want to be when they grow up? They are looking for ideas.
If you hate being young, you will really hate being old.
* They will probably give you a credit card at 18, but if you don't have a job you will get in over your head and those evil money mongering banks (who really are out to get you) will come take everything you do have away from you.
* Going out on dates sounds good until you find out that every one is just out for one thing, or they just want to be friends, or they have issues, or the banks are after them. There is always baggage other people bring to the relationship.
* Kerry is a good guy, but he can't make up his mind. The thing that seems to have gotten him this time was his own voting history. Kerry's agenda seems to be "Kerry". I'm glad you want to vote.
* I am 35 and cannot drive. I seem to do OK. Not having a car saves me a fortune. The minute you get a car, you become the errand-child for the entire family.
* You will be forced to get a job for most of your life. Enjoy the time you can spend learning and read allot.
* College is cool. I didn't do well, but I bet you will excel.
* I've ended up in the emergency room about a dozen times in my life. (not usually for me) All but one of those trips were when I was out with friends.
* Being 18 will not put you in control of your life. You have to put yourself in control. Turning 18 just puts the weight of  decisions you make on your own shoulders.
I wish I could follow my own advice.

Changing Media
Newspapers are publishing mobile phone pictures on the front page. Bloggers are read as much as the top web pages for news. Things they are a-cha-a-nging. I wish the music industry would be as flexible. All people want is access to music. Sewing your customers and denying them what they want is a lousy way to win them over.

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