It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


I had to go to renew my MetroLift card today. It is a Wednesday. I have to take an entire day off from work for a five minute interview. I sent in all the doctor's information beforehand. They already had a picture on file. I lost an entire day's pay for a five minute interview. It takes weeks to get all the information together and then get an interview. I've been at this three years. You would think they would just renew my damn MetroLift card by now. This is government process in action. The van was thirty minutes late to pick me up. You have to arrange a day to be picked up. You then must call the night before around seven PM to find out when your pickup time is. You must be outside and ready a minimum of fifteen minutes early. Then, they are thirty minutes late. There is no way to prevent missing a whole day of work. Some “disabled” people work you know. Some of us are productive members of society. Who are they to assume otherwise. BAH!

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