It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



A bunch of shallow party people talk about the wallpaper pattern. They truly enjoy themselves and eat cucumber sandwiches while you live the life of a land mine victim in South East Asia.

Toile on a symbol to a man who thinks he is a god. Born in bondage, die in bondage, live the lives of an entire people enslaved to build a monument to their conquer.

Learn the preciousness of one second as you live the last moment of a drowning man's life. Reach the air with your had, and know that you cannot breath, trapped inches below the surface with no help. Oh, you never actually drown, you just sit there in the last conscience moment of terror before the end.

Picture swimming in a clear blue ocean. When you look down there is only gray. Then a shape begins to form below you. It is just a blob of light, that seems to rise silently toward you. Just as you realize the helpless crumb you have made yourself without knowing, alone, no screams, no help, no struggling will change what you see below, a huge shark takes shape from the gloom you with it's mouth opening.

You, the rightful king of a glorious nation, having won the war to save your people, now find a knife between your ribs. Your child has murdered you and betrayed the people who cheer your name to the enemy. The war you fought was for nothing. As the last breath passes your lips the child frames you and smites your legacy. Your people will remember you as a traitor. Life fades, floating through peaceful splendor, angles find you. As they approach their faces contort and their light laughter turns to loud cackles. They are daemons. Your riches life was fraud. You are in hell. There was never nation of people who loved you, who would die to protect the world you created. You were a petty sinner, damned long ago.

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