It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


I miss Yellowstone
It's been nearly a year. I still dream of Yellowstone. From the aching feet that just didn't matter because I wanted to experience what was around the next bend to getting chased around by buffalo while on horseback it was the time of my life.

Self Motivation
It's all the devil's doing! It cant possibly be my fault I'm so lazy. I suppose I could blame my parents, but they aren't lazy. I catch myself saying "is it a fear of success, or a fear of failure, or a fear of finishing, or a fear of mediocrity?" It is just plane laziness.

There is a show on now depicting a beautiful woman who wants plastic surgery to change her nose. There was an episode of Batman where a villain who used to be a movie star. She wares a mask and wants to make every one ugly. By the end of the episode we find she is beautiful, but she can't see it any more.

I worry when I have nothing to write. Jesus wrote nothing. Socrates wrote nothing. Their ideas survive. Imagine the the words coming without effort or trial. If I could write prose, poetry, dreams all at the slightest whim. Sometimes I want to make people laugh with my words. Sometimes I would love to bring a tear to their eye. All the time I would like to get the words on the page. I must write the paragraph that changes mankind for the better. I must write the words that lead us to the stars. Oh, I had chilly for dinner again. Where are the words?
I remember as a child sitting in front of the television with my dad watching a John Wane movie. He ran into the kitchen on the commercial breaks to chop the onions and grate the cheese. He brought in the chilly made his way, our way.

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