It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Boring Dreams
What is the deal? I've had the most boring dreams lately. I had a dream last night that my shoe strings were uneven. No matter what I did to re-adjust them, they were uneven by a mile. This has got to stop. Why do I remember these dreams? Normally I only remember dreams if I wake up. Lately though I seem to remember many dreams. Now that I'm griping, I will have a nightmare, I know it.

"Spooky" Stuff
CNN just reported that the US government is highly worried about a terrorist attack somewhere in the United States soon. The officials said the "... chatter is reasonably spooky stuff". Whatever that means. Do I drink the water out of the tap or not?

Business Casual
I just got invited to a business meeting tomorrow evening. It is a meet and greet down town for a new hotel. There will be a bunch of people. The CEO of Tpro hooked us up with invites. I don't have close that qualify as business casual. I've conned my Pop to run me to Penny's this evening so i can grab some proper shirts. I intend to ware cowboy boots with a bit of polish thrown at them. You can get away with cowboy boots over dress-shoes in Texas, or so I'm told. Now I'm all excited. I'll never get any work done this evening. I need to work on a short presentation for support web pages. (sheesh)
I suppose I can thank my ex-girlfriend Julie for the iron I own. I bought it to impress her. I haven't used since we broke things off. This is a great opportunity to make sure that $12 piece of Mexican technology still works.
I just got back from J. C. Penny with two new shirts and a new pare of slacks. They are all “Wrinkle Free” Thank goodness, because I am Mr. Wrinkles. It is just too bad that the words “Wrinkle Free” must mean “Screw you” in some language because they have wrinkles. I am a wrinkle magnate. The shirts are in the dryer. Wish me luck.