It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



A friend of mine asked yesterday why people give Israel so much shit for wanting to exist. I tried to tell him is is because of existing hatred. When you teach your children to hate and your children teach their kids and everyone else acts the same way, it really holds a lot of weight. He deflected by saying it was human pettiness. I think that is a symptom of hatred to be honest. You don’t have to point and scream obscenities to hate someone. You tell your kid not to play with their kid or deny them a loan or say things like “That’s what happens to [insert race] when you try to help them.” and shit like that.

Scotland stifling of speech. Being forced to shut up kind of hurts. This is where the first amendment comes from.

Battle of the special groups at UCLA. Having so many protected groups can not only be confusing, but counter productive to the whole agenda of staying in power.

Don’t think you are well off when you hope they kill you last. They come for all who are not counted among them eventually.
More on freedom of speech. If everything is offensive, then nothing is.

China hopping to Antarctica. And fresh water too.

Hypocracy. Have a drink before reading that report.

Handsome tank they have there (Russia). Can be run like a drone.

Breathing exercise that will help you fall asleep. I have been doing something like this for a while. I didn’t realize it is a technique. It works even better if I put on the headphones (the kind for shooting, not listening to music) and just listen to my breathing.

Warp drive!! Whoo-hooo!!! ... Oh, wait. Dangit!

Do you know how many American politicians would love to have the Chinese internet regulations in the U. S.? .. A lot, I bet.

Taking over the net one link at a time. This smells like Facebook wants to intercept ad revenue from news sites. That doesn’t make sense to me. This is just play to reinforce their dominance of our eyeballs.
Nice. Sometimes you laugh at death.

I thought cartels had shot down helicopters before. Maybe not in Mexico.

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