It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Everyone asking for their money back. Well, there is no stack of cash lying around for people to fight over FIFA is just a big pile of bills. It doesn’t one anything but the name, and that is pretty much mud now.

Oh, shit! I can’t wait for this to happen. I won’t publish this until after this will happen.

I use Libreoffice. Today all the “a” characters were replaced with some kind of bullet character. I was flipping out. It turns out I had redone the font or something. I ended up highlighted all and removing all applied changes. That made the “a” characters show back up.

Remember, you won the battle people of Baltimore. How is life without 100% police support so far?

Science failure. Just how easy is it to get a bunch of journalists to repeat your bullshit story?

Get rid of local police so people want national police. Then you get rid of the only law enforcement entity that knows the people they police and can make judgement calls in favor of the locals. The county sharif.

GoPro drone. It better be dumbed down for people like me.

Surely, this is just the next step in the ad wars. Illegal things that recognize cops and automatically alter their behavior upon seeing the police.

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