It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



What does a middle east country think about the Iran deal? Not much here to like. The whole region is highly concerned that the U. S. is not acting like the world’s cop any longer.

1950 era nuclear bomber. The name peacekeeper was a good one apparently Never fired a shot in anger.


Death by a thousand cuts. How to destroy a country. The thing is, I read this how to and it makes me count in my head how many of these things I detect happening in the U. S. right now.
I aim to misbehave.

I’m 46. I don’t do 0.x through 1.0 of much of anything any more. I’ve paid that debt.

Looks like those Russian missiles shipped. Wonder if they got SuperSaver. The idea here is to send a message to the U. S. and the west that if you are unwilling to fight, then you have already lost. More.

I hope not. Oh, wait, they mean the person who will get in based on race. Gotcha.

What’s going on in Snowden's Russia these days? Wow, what a mess. They are so worried about what the other guy is doing that they forget to watch their own ass.

This is going to end badly. Cuba is still run by a murderous dictator. Being nice to them doesn’t change that.

I agree. Important documents were written in a sexsist time. They can still be interpreted without a sexists eye. The real goal here is to create a void by destroying our past. Then, they may fill that void becoming our past and our gods. I’m not making that up.

What border? ISIS base just the other side of the Mexican border from Texas.

So, Yemen is crumbling. The U. S. told her citizens they were on their own to find their way out. Well, China and Russia are stepping up. I’ll have to stop bad mouthing the two of them so much.

Harris County Flood Control District. I’m going to give these folks a try tomorrow. The grass along side Westheimer is getting to the point where I cannot just walk down the street.

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