It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



We just had a person who asked for access to our network .He has one of those last names that is good for a first or last name. Let’s say “Frank” (not the actual name). His name is Frank Frank. Patricide/matricide should be legal in this one case.

“The IRS broke the law” when sending the donor information of a conservative organization to a liberal organization. Funny, I thought the IRS was made of people. Does this mean someone at the IRS broke the law? If so, will they be punished?

Congress must be in recess to make recess appointments. Go figure. This is huge.  This was yet another power grab by the president. The courts have slapped him on the wrist, but it is enough sometimes to simply reverse the situation of wrongdoing to prevent future wrong doing. It has taken a while. I wish there were a wholesome way to stop these scope creep dictatorial actions more quickly.

Some folks went to BW3s to watch the US vs Germany game. This is crazy I’ve never heard of even this mediocre level of soccer giving a shit before. I sat listening to the reports on ESPN radio. One of my office mates watched the game on a stream of some kind. She was animated every time some game related unhappiness occurred.

Humans lean toward happy. English is the least happy.

I’m George R. R. Martin and I’m going to kill off a favorite character of yours in the next chapter.

On autopilot.

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