It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Last night, YouTube said they were in maintenance read only mode. They said I could upload. They said the video would go online after it uploaded and after the maintenance mode was over. They lied.

I uploaded the video and changed some settings. I went to bed knowing something was just not right. You know how it goes. Something is going on with a bureaucracy and you just know they are going to screw you. You just know they are saying something to shut you up while they ignore your needs.

When I got up in the morning I checked the system. "Error processing". I knew it. Of course, they screwed me. The idea of YouTube caring if my and any one's videos work on a single given night made me laugh.

YouTube has customers. They are the advertisers. YouTube has product. The product is the time people spend on their site. YouTube has content partners. They swap their soul, I mean content, for a free spot to put up their videos and maybe a tiny slice of the pie.

I uploaded at work. I simply didn't clock in for 23 minutes and posted my video before work this morning. I hope that is OK. I read the internet usage policy and it sounds like it is OK to me. I did it at work because the video I had was 161 megabytes. This takes something like 45 minutes to upload at the house. It took about 4 minutes at work. Dang it. My home internet sucks.

Something that I noticed was the big partners. Somehow, people who are full partners were able to put their videos up. There must be some super secret upload mechanism that lets them get their videos up even while maintenance is going on. It is probably the Windows Mac only Java upload software. I've tried to get it to work on Linux and it just didn't.

Complain complain. I do this because it is fun. I enjoy having that little bit of myself out there. I am worried that something will bite me in the butt at some future date. I try not to let too many license plates go by. I've decided not to bother hiding mine. I obscure some friend's plates. Some people are obsessed with not letting their visage appear online. Most of me sympathizes. A tiny part of me wants to scream at them to go hide in a fucking cave if they don't like it. I try to suppress that bit.

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