It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Smelling like a stalemate. This is the worse outcome if it sticks around. NATO keeps sending radios and GPS units. The rebels want more air strikes and armored vehicles. People are leaving the country as quickly as they can. Migrants can get out on ships in some situations. Medical supplies and food are making it in, though in a trickle.

There is fighting in the streets between factions that both want to hide amenest normal citizens for cover. Europe is running out of ammunition. No one wants to "Put boots on the ground." because is too much of a commitment. Obama does not want Libya to be "Obama's war" though, it seems a bit late for that. Europe just doesn't like to make a decision at all.

Qaddafi's grand children have been killed in the fog of war. No, they had a bomb or missile hit the place where they were staying. How may other other non combatants have died? Some people on the ground say many thousands.

Journalists have died. This makes news. These are seasoned people who have been in other tight situations. They struck me as people who knew what time it was. Still, they got caught up and on the wrong end of weapon.

Putting spotters on the ground leads to squads to protect the spotters. This leads to logistics. Logistics leads to defencive forces. All of this leads to defensible installations. Before you know it, you are in a war. That sort of build up is exactly what caught the U. S. in Vietnam.

What is a win going to look like? If you cannot answer this question in one short sentence, you have strategic issues. This means no amount of tactical assistance of the rebels or bombing of war machines and military units will fix these issues.

The conspiracy theories say that the whole Qaddafi needs to be removed thing is because he was not part of the world banking system. Apparently he had his own banks in some fashion and that could not be alloyed by those in charge of such things.

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