It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Give me land

A buddy at work bought some land in central Texas. He says it is hilly and has high and low spots. They are putting a pre-fab cabin out there . The septics and well are going in. It is going to be that place he and the family goes to get away.

He described the sky at night and you could tell that was big chunk of his motivation. He described the quiet like the inside of a church. He even liked the scrub trees. His arms were covered in cuts from the ceders. He cut a trail from the bottom land up to the top of his fence line. It sounds like a labor of love to me.

I let slip the idea of a tour. A friend of min had a 40 foot tour at their beach house. It was high enough to let you look over the top of all the roofs. It was really nice to watch the sun rise and set up there. My buddy mentioned that he might be able to have a 360 degree view with a not too tall observation tour. I reminded him that they make pre-fab tours.

I don't see myself every having a place like this. I have the inside of my head. Everywhere else is somewhere else.

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