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European Union

Europe is in deep shit.

Immigration is running out of control. It isn't that Europe is a particularly fantastic place. There are so many places in the world where people live complete crap lives that just about anywhere else would look good. Europe and the U. S. seem to have ridiculous laws and enforcement of those laws about immigration. This is causing an invasion of Europe and the U. S..

The laws in Europe say that you only need a visa from one country to travel to another country. People from Libya are getting to some island that is under Italy's care and then making their way to France. France is stopping trains from Italy. Some say this is illegal, but it is happening.

The countries with the worst human rights records are on the Human Rights Comities of all the important organizations. Many are not even part of Europe, but this fort of thing is allowed because Europe is too proud to tell people they have to get their shit together before they can sit at the adult's table.

I'm waiting for one of the countries to vote itself an Islamic republic because all the Muslims in the country vote as a block. There are people who have lived in the Netherlands for generators fleeing because the country is not their home any more.

Half the countries in the EU have made noise about leaving or pulling out of the EU at one time or another. France is tired of immigration rules. Germany is tired of paying every one's bills. Italy has had it with many of the rules. There are general rumblings of of dissent and discontent. I bet the EU will survive. The people in charge want it to succeed, the surfs be dammed.

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