It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Who am I?

More or less the order I wrote the list

I am more than what I do for a living.
I am greater than the sum of my wealth.
I am a father.
I am a husband.
I am a tax payer.
I am a voter.
I am a pedestrian, but not by choice.
I am disabled.
I AM the IT department!
I am an investor.
I am a home owner, well, mortgage payer.
I am a dog person who doesn't like pets.
I am addicted to surfing the net.
I am a white male. Please don't hold it against me.
I am 35 to 50.
I am a believer in God who does not believe in religion.
I am not a shorts kind of guy.
I am a glasses over contacts guy.
I am a guy who wares a kilt on occasion.
I am a morning person, most of the time.
I am a renny, but not hard core.
I am a camper, thought rarely happy about it.
I am falling out of love with music.
I am a podcast listener.
I am an audio book reader.
I am 5' 10" and about 200 lb.
I am a red head.
I am a victim of male pattern baldness.
I am employed, thank God.
I am a little bit creative.
I am messy.
I am a blogger.
I am a vlogger.
I am.

Same list sorted by length.

I am a believer in God who does not believe in religion.
I am a white male. Please don't hold it against me.
I am a camper, thought rarely happy about it.
I am a home owner, well, mortgage payer.
I am a dog person who doesn't like pets.
I am a morning person, most of the time.
I am a guy who wares a kilt on occasion.
I am a victim of male pattern baldness.
I am greater than the sum of my wealth.
I am more than what I do for a living.
I am a pedestrian, but not by choice.
I am falling out of love with music.
I am addicted to surfing the net.
I am a glasses over contacts guy.
I am a renny, but not hard core.
I am not a shorts kind of guy.
I am 5' 10" and about 200 lb.
I am a little bit creative.
I am an audio book reader.
I am employed, thank God.
I am a podcast listener.
I AM the IT department!
I am a tax payer.
I am an investor.
I am a red head.
I am a husband.
I am a blogger.
I am a vlogger.
I am a father.
I am disabled.
I am 35 to 50.
I am a voter.
I am messy.
I am.

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