It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Philip Defranco has a YouTube channel where he does these snippets he calls news. It is "Shit that affected me today." The guy is nuts. I mean he is bat shit crazy It makes for good videos.

Every clump of grass had a patch of fog above it this morning. I should have stopped and smelled the roses. maybe shot a video. I definitely should have crossed the street and at least taken a picture of the levy across the street. I should have gone to the field where I've shot a video before next to the mall and taken a picture or even just a quick video clip. Too many promises to keep.

Walked around at lunch. The weather is fantastic. It is too humid for December. Guess that is a consequence of the fog this morning.

Friends on YouTube only buy you a specific level of commenting privilege and make it a bit easier to track someone down. I don't think friends count for popularity on YouTube at all. I've ignored a hundred or more requests for friend status on my channel. It is just clutter and I'm afraid half of them are spammers. Any one know a good reason to use the friendship feature of YouTube?

I'm trying to track down a legitimate program to pull the contact info off Facebook. I found a couple things that claim to work, but I'm afraid to use them on my profile. I've honestly thought about creating a dummy account to try the program out on before I try it on my real account.

Is the statistic that says one in four sexually active adults in the U. S. have herpes accurate?

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