It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Urine Observation

This is going to be TMI for most people. Read at your one risk.

I've noticed that when I am on antibiotics, my urine has a specific smell. I've noticed it several times and with a couple different antibiotics I've been on over my life. Sometimes it does not happen. This makes me wonder if those antibiotics were placebos. Anyway. There is a purpose to telling you this.

This smell has only occurred one other time. Consistently, I've noticed the same smell after eating beef from McDonald's and some barbecue places. If I have pork or chicken, I do not seem to notice the smell.

Am I nuts? Is it some kind of coincidence? Is it not the antibiotics causing the smell?

Normal programming resumes now. Aren't you glad I don't have a vlog?

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