It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Quantum Questions

When a human observes something, the reality collapses in to a state of being. I have a couple questions. I'm sure I have this completely wrong. Am I missing the idea of the suspension loop collapsing? There is probably a set of rules somewhere, but I have not found them yet.

  • When you video something (any media), does the video collapse or the real thing when someone observes the video?
  • Are there multiple levels of collapse? Heard of, believe deeply, see/hear/touch/smell,taste, work with for a lifetime.
  • Proxy
    • If I touch something with a stick while not looking or listening, does its reality collapse, or just the stick?
    • When a train is going down a track when do the tracks exist vs not exist?
  • Is "exist" the wrong word to use when speaking of the wave collapse?
  • Does the whole Earth and everything on it collapse all the time.

Basically, I have no idea what is going on with Quantum. I need a Quantum for Dummies book. Gift idea that one.

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