It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Very Local News

  • How does alcohol affect your balance? Does it affect the pressure or mechanism in the inner ear? Or, does it alter the brains interpretation of said mechanism? I have lousy balance any way. I've been accused of being drunk when walking down the street sober.
  • I do enjoy complaining about being broke. I would love to have to give it up.
  • Europeans were ecstatic about Obama winning. They were on the radio (podcast) asking each other where they were when they heard the news. In Europe. There are some similar anecdotes about places in Africa and Australia.
  • Teatime bullets
    • PC games still out pace console games and it is all because most people have computers, not consoles.
    • Brian Shoemaker is officially hooked on playing and reading about WOW.
    • It is surprising that game controllers have never really caught on for PCs. There are games that require them on the PC. Every one has used them on a PC. Myself included.
    • The Orb controller was cool, but not effective against people with two mice when playing Descent.
    • Every one is getting sick and laying off drinking tea at teatime.
  • The snack bar is in to me for $4.90. I really need to pay it up.
  • My USB 4G key gets noticeably warm when in heavy use. Not bad, just a bit.
  • 'Monsters' book about bad people. Sounds very interesting.

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