It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Turkey Boxing Day

Boxing Day is the day after Christmas. Turkey Boxing Day is hence forth the day after Thanksgiving.

So, Elle and I are watching cartoon channel while watching the Cartoon Network. My parents are off looking for knife making bits. Nat is upstairs resting and recovering after surgery. The dogs are being dogs. All is well with the Universe.

The bill collectors did not call yesterday. That is a good thing. They call with a robot that says "This is an important call ..." I know to delete the message or hang up. Normally they do not even get through because I screen my calls. Doesn't every one screen their calls these days? I know I have bills due. I know I cannot afford topay some of them. I'm deliberately not paying some in favor of others. This is a normal thing now days.

I've tried calling over to Adam and Lorie's place to find out how Thanksgiving day went. The last I heard, 22 people were supposed to show up over there for dinner. I'm very curious as to how things went. Our dinner went well. Everything was delicious. Nat was till in the hospital, but she got a good meal too. This is going to go down as one of those Thanksgiving days not to be remembered. Nat would probably prefer to forget it. Poor thing.

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