It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



W got up at 05:00. I didn't even take my bag because I thought I was not staying. Well, I stayed. Nat asked me to sleep in the room with her and I did. I was not the good husband that people tried to tell me I was. I was a grumpy, snoring, lump who just got in the way.

We walked in and found a coffee bar that was closed. Another group of folks there were waiting for surgery as well. The lady came in and directed us where to go. We went to a prep area and were told how things were going to go. I was a nice place with a flat screen TV and cable. We ended up going down the long hall between buildings and ended up in the older part of the hospital. The waiting area I ended up waiting in was drab with a hundred year old pot of coffee that was cold. I ended up wondering around, and I man around the outside of the hospital looking for that elusive place the Valhalla coffee place that I had seen that morning. I ended up at the new cafeteria with a breakfast burrito in my in my mouth. It was made all the better by the length I had to go to to get to it.

I ended up right back in the waiting room with a purchased cup of coffee listening to he other group of people. The older gentleman was fascinating. I of course missed this for the first half of the conversation he was having with his doughtier. His wife was in for surgery. They answered the phone on the wall that said "Waiting room phone, please answer." and of they went never to be heard from again. Ate least by me.

Then the doctor came in and told me Nat came through the surgery with flying colors. He noticed the clock on the wall was an hour off. It had never been changed after time change last week. I was so relieved. If I had ever smoked, I would have wanted a cigarette. He told me it would be forty five minutes before they would call me back. I sat and waited for the phone to ring on the wall with our name on the other end. It came.

Nat was tired, but in good spirits. She took for ever to show up to the room.Something about a dispute between the surgery nurses and the guy who was doing transport.

We found the goody-closet. We were encouraged to pilfer the closet to keep her fluid levels up. Nat was mostly concerned with an all day NCIS marathon. That made her happy. It was a good omen of sorts. She went in to surgery saying that she wanted to watch her Abby after. Thing is, she had just recently watched NCIS from the library marathon style a couple weeks ago. We did go through seven or eight episodes. She finally wanted to watch something else.

I hunted down something to eat at the cafeteria. It was a cheese burger and fries. With some cookies and a drink it was $8 something. Not a cheep meal, but not too bad. I missed out on the brisket. I had a sample earlier in the day along side my parents who came to visit Nat.

The night was long. Poor Nat was up ever ten minuets. I slept through a bunch of nurse visits. That bed couch thing turned out to be dangerous. I nearly broke my neck a couple of this. The top cushion that doubled as a mattress wanted to slide off the base and dump me on the floor. I survived. Maybe I should have used the chair that reclined flat in to a bed. Hindsight.

During the night, Nat kept getting up and running down the hall for stuff. She wanted to run down to some vending machines for snacks after midnight. It was to get out of the room, I just know it. The night nurse would not tell her where the machines were until I agreed to go with he. I moaned and complained the whole way. She got me some of those rub er soled socks to ware, but I wore my boots. The security guards waved at us as they patrolled. It was good to know there were other people still in the building keeping an eye on things.

Then came morning. I tried to keep sleeping. That was my mistake. I should have just gotten up and started the day. I should have known better. Nat was such a sweetheart too. She went to the goody closet and made coffee and brought me a cup. What a gal. She cares.

It is particularly cruel I think to put women having a Hysterectomy in the Maternity ward. With all the troubles Nat has had in the area of female bits over the last couple of years, she didn't feel she had much choice. I hope she feels better. She has been in pain for so long. I want it to all be better. Nat deserves it.

Elle went up for a visit this morning. She is her normal pill self. Elle is haded over to her father's for Thanksgiving dinner. Elle refused to eat anything and I wonder if someone told her not to eat so she would be hungry for Thanksgiving dinner.

When I got to my parent's place I got to check out my dad's new anvil. He bought real honest to goodness anvil. IT bounces when you hit it with a hammer and everything. That is a sign of good steel I'm told. He is making knives out of old wrenches. There is ome very good steel in old Craftsman tools.

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