It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Oh, my God. What have they done to this show? Five minutes in to the first episode of the season I can tell how it is going to play out. Fortunately, it mostly played in the first episode. I'm just not that curious how the rest of it is going to go.

This season is all about Africa. How appropriate.t NPR is all about Africa. You can hear about African affairs all over the liberal media. In order to please the East and West coast conglomerate, 24 has decided to milk those headlines. I'm only curious how the writers are going to make enough out of the no-oil fights and massacres that happen in Africa every day it seems. I feel for the people of Africa and their children that are ever forced in to fighting these wars. I do not much car that the people in the governments are wiped out. They fight and moan like a bunch of middle school fat goth kids.

The writers of 24 are already dragging thing out. The scene where Jack runs after the trucks and the bad tracks him around the buildings had a feel of being dragged out. Jack gets punched straight in the nose hard enough to knock him out and the close up a couple seconds later didn't have any blood that I could see.

I give up. I'm going to go watch cartoons.

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