It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Very Local News

  • China wants to get out of the low skill low wage manufacturing market. It is the first sign of the end of all the jobs in the world going to China.
  • More people died in the bombing of Dresden with conventional weapons than died in Hiroshima with nuclear weapons in World War II. Slaughterhouse Five. So it goes.
  • I just heard some idiot on Talk of the Nation say "The country (U. S.) is a centrist nation." In other words, the center is the center and people not in the center are somewhere else. Dumbass.
  • The U. S. is talking about talking to the bad guys in Afghanistan. It is inevitable in my book. It sounds like the art of paying people not to fight worked pretty well in Iraq. Maybe it will work in Afghanistan as well. It is cheaper than fighting them.

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