It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Hole on the way to work Hole on the way to work

Hole on the way to workHole on the way to work

This hole is on the north of Westheimer. I cross the street now to avoid the mud pit that is a construction area that will soon be a set of apartments. I tried to use my walking stick as a scale. I have no idea what is in the hole so I could have electrocuted myself in the third picture. Didn't Think of that until I saw the picture. The first picture will tell you how frigging dark it is early in the morning. The cover is next to the hole. I tried picking it up to move it, but it is either heavy or the grass is holding it in place. This thing is right next to the road, but hard to spot unless you are looking for it. Imagine if a hole like this were in the middle of the road. It would be fixed in fifteen minutes.

I am going to forget about this hole at some point and break my neck. I just know it.

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