It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



(geek speak warning)

Well, I got wxWidgets working in C. It took more effort than it should have. My biggest problem was linking information from one name space in C++ to another. That is something every one has problems with at one point or another. My boss asked me if I thought an interface would work better Python or C++. I didn't miss a beat and said "Python, if you want anything to get done." That is not entirely true. Once you get the ball rolling, it isn't half bad. I was able to get bits added here and there and even update existing objects dynamically today. That is a big step to getting a usable interface.

Now, I have to package wxWidgets and wxPython up. Considering I never did get the packages to build in the first place, that should be a whole new can of worms. I used RPMs. I don't think that will fly for the packaging.  I man, can't anything be easy? I've also looked in to using a program tat compiles python code in  to an executable that doesn't need the python interpreter installed at all.

I have no idea if this actually works or not. It claims to follow the hierarchical imports and suck in the code you need as long as you put the dependencies, including .so, in the folder with the python script before you fire off the compile. That just sounds too good to be true. It looks like a fly by night project so I may not spend much time researching it. Python has some cool building abilities too. Those look more reliable.

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