It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Machine gun typing method

I've had a couple of people complain recently about how hard I type. I learned to type on a manual typewriter. When you push down on one of those keys, you have to have the intention in your mind to push it clear to Australia or it won't make the correct image on the paper. I've had the people in the next office complain at my old job. It's never been a serious kind of complaint. It is usually a thing people notice.

One person at my old job mocked me once. He scooted right up on the monitor and made a machine gun noise for the typing. "gdddddd-gddddddd-gddddd!". It didn't upset me. It kind of made me proud. I bet I'm less likely to get RSD by hitting the keys harder. It just feels more natural. I do tend to type in bursts.

I hit the enter key with particular zeal. This is due to the lack of a manual carriage return. I don't know if any of you young folks out there have ever seen a truly manual typewriter, but you had to hit a leaver and push the carriage back to the front of the next line. I guess my body still wants to use that much energy now with just my right piny.

I've heard of women with long fingernails who were fast typists. You couldn't do that on a manual I bet. I saw a manual typewriter hooked to a computer as a keyboard once. It was mostly a joke. I'd still like to find a computer mock up like the ones in the movie Brazil.hat would be a cool cyberpunk kind of hack. I've always thought of Brazil as having quite a bit of cyberpunk in it.

Thank goodness my current office partner doesn't seem to mind. He types faster than I do.

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