It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



I never expect to be interviewed for any reason besides looking for a job. I'm listening to a guy (Colin Murray) who was raised in foster homes because both his parents died. He is famous. He wrote a book about the crap he had to go thew. he doesn't sound bitter. He sounds like the book made it easier to let go of the bad things that happened.

For just a moment I saw some nicely dressed reporter sitting down in my living room with an iPod recorder thing and asking me a bunch of silly questions about what I had for breakfast every morning. I can only imagine bad reasons that someone might be interested in my information. Maybe I'll make a book out of this blog. That would be something. Maybe I'll win the Nobel prize for lucky breaks. Maybe I'll come up with a Nobel prize for lucky breaks. You get the prize for blundering your way in to happiness. The first winner would have to be Homer Simpson. Maybe I'll come up with a Kelly Prize. Yes, I like that.

Well then, the first nominee for the first Kelly Prize of 2007 for blundering one's way to happiness is Homer Simpson. Any other ideas?

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