It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Too high resolution
I heard someone mention something a bit telling the other day. They were watching some movie that was high-def. It was apparently a period peace, because he commented "I could see the chicks color contacts and it just blew the whole setting."
I've heard this argument against high-def programming. sometimes it is too high resolution for it's own good. Actors have complained too. some news people say they don't like it because they have to pay much closer attention to makeup and nose hairs. It's nice with sports because they can zoom out and get more of the action in one shot without making every one look like a Moonenite.
I don't have high-def. I do not foresee when I will have it. That sort of thing is just not in the cards right now. And by cards, I mean money. The price keeps dropping. Well, it has a way to go yet.
In the immortal words of Homer Simpson "Keeeep sliding."

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