It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


I know you are sick of reading about me being sick. I'm just as sick of writing about being sick. That is probably why my writing has tapered off a bit the last couple of weeks. That and Nat gives me no end of shit when I get on the computer. She is right I need to spend as much time with the family as possible. (Love you honey)
Today, I didn't take any medicine until I got to work. I coughed a couple of times before I took medicine. I expect expectorants to make me cough. I have been taking one because I still feel congestion even after taking all the antibiotics and a steroid last week. It never fails. No sooner does the expectorant kicking than my boss walks in and wants to talk about a plan for updating lab machines. I start hacking my head off. blah blah.
After that, I started feeling feverish again. I felt week and shaky. Things started looking milky. This is what happens when my sugar takes a dive. Now, I took two decongestants and an expectorant before all this. I have been popping Acetaminophen like candy over the last week or so and I'm not taking any today. Acetaminophen is bad over the long term. I had two cups of coffee. I'm running through all the horrifying scenarios in my head. There are any number of chronic ailments that could be persistently causing the fatigue and shaky feeling. Then I went and got a couple Pop-Tarts. All better.
It will be nice when I can stop carrying seven bottles of pills and an inhaler around in my bag. I feel like a junkie. I'm starting to get my strength back. I've noticed I can breath easier now. It has been a couple of weeks for goodness sake. I'm going to keep up the expectorants until I don't feel any congestion and I can take one without coughing for an hour. That is a tall order for me. I've been coughing every ten minutes or so since my family moved to Houston in the seventies. I should be fine right about the time flu season kicks in.

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