It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Everybody is Sick
My whole family is sick. I still have the creeping crud and now, so does Nat. Elle has a cough, though she doesn't seem to have a fever any more. I've been popping Acetaminophen and decongestants like candy. They are the only reason I'm vertical. Talk about a miserable household. Even Bill has lost his voice and needs some rest.
Nat was well enough to go to faire this weekend. I was not. I bet Nat will be sick for this coming weekend. It is the last weekend, but I hope she doesn't push herself to go. I'm on the downhill side of this thing. At least, that what I keep telling myself. If I don't feel 100% soon, I'm going to skip last weekend myself.
I took Acetaminophen and decongestants most of the day at work. I missed the cough syrup. I may have to take it tomorrow. I'm coming up on a month of being sick. This is the third time I've had the same crud since we moved into the house. It seems like  the whole family is always sick. It is either something wrong with the house, or Elle dragging home every disease that gets passed around the day care.

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