It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Pretty Rainy Day
I went for a walk around the parking garage for lunch today. It was rainy, but I stayed inside. It is nice to walk at tree canopy level when it is raining. That is about the third floor of the garage. The birds didn't appreciate the attention. They gave me dirty looks and jumped around when I just stood there. They are used to people getting in and out of cars. I suppose my standing there made them nerves.The birds didn't
I just pace back and forth talking to myself. It is highly relaxing. The rainy day part seems to help. If any asks (who doesn't read the blog) I tell them I'm getting some exorcise. I've caught Elle talking to herself. I blame it on being an only child. I think Elle is developing some of the same traits. It is not a bad thing. It might not last. It is OK either way to me.

We played DnD this past Saturday. I didn't want to say anything about it because I didn't want to jinx the game.  First the out of game stuff. I am proud of myself a little bit. I managed to avoid most junk food and only drank one soda. I drank water the rest of the day and ate pizza and kolaches. Normally, it is a fest of soda, beer, and junk food.
The in game action was pretty cool.
# Almost died twice.
# Cut my left hand off to get some of the magical powers of a Paladin. I got gypped.
# Got a bunch of gold.
# Gained a level, almost two.
# Killed a cloud giant with one blow of my ax. Of course, it had been hit with several fire-balls and assorted other spells and some arrows, but IT COUNTS!!!
Something I learned
# Octopi are no pushovers. They are the grappling machines.
# If you do not have at least 18 strength, there is no point in playing a barbarian. OK, I already knew this.

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