It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Pink Panther
Why didn't the new Pink Panther movie work? It boils down to Steve Martin's performance. He plays the buffoon well, but there was more to the Cluseau character than a slurred accent and endless prat-falls. When Peter Sellers played the part so many years ago, he left something in the character that made all the difference. Dignity. I remember watching the original Pink Panther when I was a kid. I laughed all the way through. I remember knowing what was coming and laughing anyway. You don't laugh at someone you expect to screw up. You become disappointed or annoyed at them. With Peter's character I always thought he might pull it off.
The new show is just a bunch of stunts that has Cluseau pulling a rabbit out of his hat at the end. I was worse than disappointed. I was annoyed by the Cluseau character. I just wanted Steve Martin to shut up and let the cops handle it. Bad show Steve.
The cartoons at the beginning of the movie were the most I laughed. I would rather watch an hour and a half of those, but then my head would explode.
Heck, I remember an episode of the Simpsons where Krusty was interviewing potential side-kicks. Sideshow Cecil took a pie to the face and it just didn't work. When Krusty yelled at Cecil "The fall guy has to have dignity." He then ordered a stage hand to throw a pie in the face of Bob. You felt Bob's anguish. The pain in his hart at being made the fool. And you laughed. A legend was born.

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