It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Been Here Before
I had one of those moments today where you feel like you have already gone through this situation once. They call it deja vu. I call it a Matrix moment. I have a feeling that is when someone "up there" had to hit reset or something. Another explanation might be that we live the same life over and over until we get something right. It would really piss me off if I chose to come back. The first time around, we make mistakes. The next time around we are aloud to tell ourselves from the beyond what to do in the form of those gut feelings. If this is the case, I must have gone around five hundred times. I wonder what the cheese is at the end of the maze.
Another possible load of bunk is reincarnation. We keep coming back as different people until we find enlightenment. This Is the one I hope is bullshit. What happens when all life is gone? This one also leaves the whole question of God open. What happens when we are between bodies?
I like the role playing explanation. When we play DnD, we are the soles of the fictitious characters we play. Someone is role playing our lives "up there" rolling dice. I hope they can cheat. Am I an NPC (Non Player Character)? That sucks. This one leaves God to a line on a character sheet. I wonder what I got for my disability. Normally you get a balance somewhere or your disability plays a part in the story.
So many times in the story we find our character in the middle of life. The character has no idea the "story" is about to begin. Something interesting could happen at any moment. If this is the case, finding enlightenment is about as likely as a DnD character climbing off the game board and shaking my hand.
I read somewhere that nearly every one in every religion believes in angles or some kind of mystical being controlling things. I suppose that is the nature of religion. People need someone to blame.
So, is God the DM and Angles the players? I'm one of the NPCs and the characters are a soldier, a diplomat, a firefighter and a cab driver.


Celtic Gypsy said...

So what was the "Deja Vu" moment that caused this whole blog? You never atually stated what happened that was the "deja vu".

obiwanchunn said...

Your disability sure isn't balance with a high "Charisma". :)

Maybe it's balanced by your foot oder.