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Nat had the best review I've heard so far.
Movie Notes
* The dinosaurs were better than the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park.
* There was more to the monkey than stop motion/ CGI. The actor's feelings came through. He should get an Oscar out ever spending a frame in front of the audience. They need to make one if need be.
* The movie drips the grand feeling that used to be so hard to find in movies.
* Several panning action shots are used. I'm sick of in the car shots and static shots, but when you through on some impossible fly-by shots that look like a video game, they make the old time shots come together.
* There are a couple of scenes where Kong is far to personified as compared to a gorilla. However, the body language, sounds and facial expressions seem to pull it off. It is a love story after all.
* You really do pence Kong's pain.
* Naomi Watts does the best job of acting I've seen in a while.
* Jack Black didn't trash the roll half as bad I thought he would.
"Best movie ever" No, I would have to disagree. It was a good movie. Believability, well, that is a relative term. How much realism do you expect with a 25 foot beast?
* Ice skating 25 foot gorilla.
* The rooftops would not have held his weight as he jumped.
* His actions are too fast in some instances. A larger creature would suffer from slowed synaptic response.
* Why the hell were the planes flying so close? Why was the third plane to be grabbed flying that close?
I could go on all day. This was Peter Jackson's dream. Well, good job Peter. It was worth a career in the movie industry to come out with this film. I hope you win a bunch of your crony's awards. I hope you go on to make more films. I hope some day you top Kong. Good luck.

1 comment:

Celtic Gypsy said...

The planes flew that close due to the fact that their aim was not real reliable. In order to make sure that they hit Kong and not the rest of the building (or fly away bullets that could hit anyone) they had to be close. Gorillas do have personalities. They are closely related to humans, after all. You did forget that after Kong hit the sidewalk, it should have damage (broken and sinking in) and there should be blood around him. But it is not about the nit-picky is about the over-all film. It is amazing.