It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Wholly-shit! Have you heard what is going on in Iran? Iran is clearly attempting to acquire nuclear technology. The supreme leader (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) of Iran said he wants to wipe Israel off the map. Then the psycho says the Holocaust is a myth. All Europe and the UN do is sit on their hands and bitch at each other for pissing off the madman. The UN is fare more interested in Toyota Land Cruisers and expensive cigars. These fools don't realize they are staring WWIII right in the gullet.
North Korea is behind this. They are prodding Iran "Go on, you are not going to let the U. S. and Europe get away with making you look like a sucker are you?" The only consolation in the latest blathering wafting from the leadership of Iran lately is they are including Canada between the hate filled hissing. It is about time Canada stood up with the rest of the West and took it on the chin.

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